Add Features As a Team

Run your project! Collaborate with git to deliver features.

(Optional) If your team wants to use Github project boards... Team Lead: create one in your GitHub org, and invite your teammates.

Context: At this point, your team should all be set up with clones of your team lead's starter repo, as described in Session 1's Setup Starter Repo. You will collaborate using the shared-repo model, where your entire team works with clones of your team lead's repo.[^team-lead-fork]

LAB - Implement and deliver features in the starter repo

Each teammate: Choose a change to make from the below list of changes (if you're using a project board, you would create a card for it, with your name on it).

Deliver changes using Pull Requests (If using a project board, update it as you go).

Links to diffs in the sample project repo, illustrating changes you could make to the starter repo:

If your team gets stuck, get an instructor's attention and we'll work on it together!

[^team-lead-fork] Somewhat confusingly...Even though using shared-repo and not fork-pull model, your team lead does fork once, from the git-basics-starter-repo--but only to establish a repo for the team to collaborate on. No changes are flowing back to the original walquis/git-basics-starter-repo.