Instructor notes

Sample project repo

  • Commits in this repo are a source for ideas of what kind of work teams can do.
  • Ned, Nykhia, Dex, Deja, Xavier


  • In session 1, lessons introduce material organized around TERMS and COMMANDS from the syllabus.
  • Session 2 is primarily project time for practicing git skills in a moderately structured exercise.

Housekeeping items

  • Take breaks every 30-45 minutes.
  • At checkpoints, have the class use Zoom's green-checkbox and red-X "reactions" buttons. For instance, "Who has your team's repo cloned locally? Give me a green checkbox if yes, red-X if no." NOTE: Unlike the quick-reaction icons along the top, these responses will stay up until the students take them down.
  • They can also use the "speed up" and "slow down" buttons.