Git Environment Setup

We'll examine two repos:

  1. A sample of the "Solar System" website.
  2. A "starter" repo for that website. (You'll delete it after this prework, and then re-clone a copy from your team lead's fork when class starts).

Run these commands in your or Git bash:

git config --global pull.rebase false  # Tell git what to do when pulling
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"  # Set your git editor to vscode

cd                          # Start from your home directory
mkdir src
cd src                      # Or, cd to wherever you keep code projects

# Although you won't be committing anything to it, 
# you'll use this sample repo as a reference...
git clone

# A "starter" repo of the website.  You'll delete it after this prework,
# and then re-clone from your team lead's fork when class starts).
git clone

# Add some handy aliases to your current shell.
cd git-basics-starter-repo

source bin/

# Test that the 'adog' alias works...
* 2dd739a (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Some handy git aliases, and an initial .gitignore
* 4ca41a7 Initial commit