Git From the Command Line

You may be wondering at this point, Why not learn Git from the point of view of <insert-your-favorite-IDE-here>? The git plugins in those IDE's generally function as wrappers around the git command-line client, and sometimes hide what's actually going on, as well as hiding capabilities available in the git client. Additionally, IDE's differ in how they present git functionality.

The most direct and cross-compatible way to learn git is to interact with it at the command line level.

You'll briefly cover these topics:

  • git reset
  • Branching
  • Merging (with no conflicts)
  • Merging (with handling a merge conflict)

🤔 What is the difference between a merge commit, versus a merge commit that has a merge conflict?

Preflight Check:

Make sure adog works on your *nix command line (adog is the alias you established during "Set Up Git Environment"). cd into your git-basics-starter-repo and run adog. You should see something like this:

cd git-basics-starter-repo
* 2dd739a (HEAD -> main, origin/main) Some handy git aliases, and an initial .gitignore
* 4ca41a7 Initial commit

If not, set the alias with this command and try adog again:

alias adog='git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph'

Get Started!

What's Next?

Once you've worked through these exercises, you should be ready for the class!

Feel free to take a look at the syllabus.

If you want to do more before class starts, Reset Demystified is a useful deep dive.