
A branch is just a named pointer to a commit. Creating a branch does not in itself result in any new commits. When HEAD is pointing to a branch--that is, when you have the branch "checked out"--then the branch, and HEAD along with it, will be moved to a new commit as it is created, and that new commit will name the branch's previous reference as its parent, creating a commit history.

Checkout a new branch, mybranch. Make a change to index.html...

cd git-basics-starter-repo
git branch   # See which branch i'm on (how could I tell from adog output?)
git checkout -b mybranch  # Make a new branch (-b) and checkout to it.
adog   # Note mybranch in the graph.  How do I know it's my current branch?
code index.html   # Open index.html in VSCode

Let's reformat the HTML source code for the menu to be more readable. Change it from this:

    <a href="./index.html">Home</a> <a href="./help.html">Help</a>

... to this:

    <a href="./index.html">Home</a>
    <a href="./help.html">Help</a>

Save the file. Now git add and git commit...

adog  # Check how the graph looks.
git diff           # What am I about to add to the index?
git add index.html
adog  # Check how the graph looks.  Has it changed?
git diff --staged  # What am I about to commit to git?
git diff           # Why does this show no differences?
git commit -m "each menu item on a separate line in the code"
adog  # Check how the graph looks.  How about now?

The git graph should now look something like this:

* ccaf82c (HEAD -> mybranch) each menu item on a separate line in the code
* 2dd739a (origin/main, main) Some handy git aliases, and an initial .gitignore
* 4ca41a7 Initial commit

🤔 Your particular commit will have a different hash code, or SHA, than ccaf82c. Why might that be? ("The Three Objects" explains).

Key Takeaways:

  • Use adog, git status, git diff, and git diff --staged constantly.
  • git diff shows differences between working tree and index.
  • git diff --staged shows differences between index and HEAD.
  • Although git branch mybranch creates mybranch, it doesn't checkout to it (that is, HEAD is not pointed at mybranch). You have to git checkout or git switch to it.