Session One

Has everyone done the Prework?

Git - A fast, scalable, distributed version control system that tracks changes via a persistent map of keys hashed from stored content.

Git is like an onion - it has layers! [^how-git-works]

  • Peel off "distributed" - The push/pull part
  • Peel off "version control" - The branch, merge, rebase, cherry-pick parts
  • Peel off "tracks changes" - The version history, author, comments & other metadata parts
  • Peel off "persistent" - the "stored content" part

Now you just have "map of keys". Keys are hashes of content; each key functions as a unique address--or map--to the corresponding content .

Start Session One

[^how-git-works] This analogy courtesy of Shrek, and also How Git Works, by Paolo Perrotta