Anatomy of a Git Commit, or, "The Three Objects"

Vocabulary: sha, content-addressable, blob, tree, commit


  • git show - What's in the latest commit. See Viewing Repo Changes for more.
  • git reflog - local history of where HEAD has been.
  • git cat-file -p - just for teaching purposes; not part of a normal git workflow

Now that we have some commits, let's take a closer look...

🤔 Is it possible for a commit to have the same SHA as its parent?

LAB - Anatomy of a Git Commit, or, The Three Objects

Use git cat-file -p to answer these questions:

  1. What fields does HEAD have?
  2. What kind of SHA is HEAD's "parent" field? (Use -t instead of -p)
  3. What fields does HEAD's tree have?
  4. What are the contents of HEAD's tree's first blob?