Orientation on git-basics-starter-repo

You'll practice your git skills by developing a simple website collaboratively.

During the prework, in Git Environment Setup, you cloned a couple of repos:

A git-basics-sample-project-repo of the "Solar System" website: https://github.com/walquis/git-basics-sample-project-repo. This is a full reference implementation of the website you'll build.

A git-basics-starter-repo for that website: https://github.com/walquis/git-basics-starter-repo. The git-basics-starter-repo has the initial files and images, but little else:

  • Initial versions of index.html, faq.html, about.html, help.html, and map.html.
  • A folder with images (they are not yet referenced in the starter website's code).
  • CSS files (similarly, they are also not yet used).

For instance, the starter repo's index.html has the beginnings of a navigation menu, but it's incomplete; your team will likely want to finish it (and add that menu to the other pages as well).

Feel free to compare the code in each repo to get a better idea of what work needs to be done. For instance, open each repo's index.html in your browser, via "File --> Open File...".

Also, open each repo in Visual Studio Code, and browse through the code.

When your team starts to add features, you'll organize the work into tasks to build out git-basics-starter-repo so it looks something like git-basics-sample-project-repo.

NOTE: For now, just for this prework, you'll make changes locally in your clone of git-basics-starter-repo, and then it's easiest and probably best to delete the entire repo[^or-copy-elsewhere]. When the class starts, your team lead will fork git-basics-starter-repo into their Github account (renaming the repo to something like solar-system), and you will re-clone the repo from your team lead's fork.

[^or-copy-elsewhere] Or, copy it elsewhere if you'd like to keep it.