Prework for the Git Basics Course

This course assumes you have ...

  1. A GitHub account.
  2. Visual Studio Code installed.
  3. Access to some sort of bash shell: On MacOSX,; on Windows, it would be Windows Subsystem for Linux or Git For Windows.
  4. At least some familiarity with a Linux shell. If not, take a look at Prework for Non-Developers.

This prework introduces the concepts you'll cover in the 2-session course, and also takes you on a tour of the website you'll build collaboratively using git.

You'll do some git environment setup, install the Git Graph plugin, and familiarize yourself with Git Graph.

Next, you'll take a quick look at the website, to see what kind of coding we'll be doing to exercise our new git collaboration skills.

Finally, you'll do some work at the command line to introduce you to the git commands and concepts that we'll cover in more depth during the class.

Start the Prework