Merging - without a merge conflict

You've just made a mybranch branch, made it your current branch with git checkout, so that HEAD points to it, and committed a change to it.

Now you'll go back to the main branch and make a (non-conflicting) change, so that main's history diverges from mybranch's. Finally, you will merge the changes back into main.

Change help.html. You can change anything in help.html that you want (for example, you can change the menu in the same way you did with index.html). Since you're not changing the same file that you changed in mybranch, the change won't result in a merge conflict.

git branch  # Which branch am I on?  My current branch will have a star (*) next to it.
git checkout main
code help.html   # A different file than `mybranch`, for a non-conflicting change.

Save help.html. Now git add and git commit...

adog  # Check how the graph looks.
git diff           # What am I about to add to the index?
git add help.html
adog  # Check how the graph looks.  Has it changed?
git diff --staged  # What am I about to commit to git?
git diff           # Why does this show no differences?
git commit -m "each menu item on a separate line in the code (for help.html)"
adog  # Check how the graph looks.  How about now?

The git graph should now look something like this. Notice mybranch's history diverges from main's:

* f7295ef (HEAD -> main) each menu item on a separate line in the code (for help.html)
| * ccaf82c (mybranch) each menu item on a separate line in the code
* 2dd739a (origin/main) Some handy git aliases, and an initial .gitignore
* 4ca41a7 Initial commit

Let's merge!

git branch   # Check that we're on the branch we're merging TO
git merge mybranch -m "merge HTML source menu updates in index.html and help.html"

The git graph shows the merge.

*   686e8db (HEAD -> main) merge HTML source menu updates in index.html and help.html
| * ccaf82c (mybranch) each menu item on a separate line in the code
* | f7295ef each menu item on a separate line in the code (for help.html)
* 2dd739a (origin/main) Some handy git aliases, and an initial .gitignore
* 4ca41a7 Initial commit

Because there were no conflicts, the merge completed without prompting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not all merges result in conflicts.
  • The branch you're on is the branch that will be moved to the merge commit. (The other branch stays where it is).